Montana (2017/2019/2020)
STATE V. PORTER, 390 MONT. 174 (2018)
In State v. Porter, the prosecution proved strangulation occurred without the victim’s testimony through a well-conducted investigation, a well-documented domestic violence forensic exam and the hearsay statements the victim made to the medical team. Her statements were admitted by the court using the medical diagnosis exception.
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U.S. v. LAMOTT 831 F.3d 1153 (2016)
Assault by strangulation under 18 U.S.C. Section 113(a)(8) is a general intent crime.
Many domestic violence offenders and rapists do not strangle their partners to kill them; they strangle them to let them know they can kill them –any time they wish – Casey Gwinn from the Strangulation Manual (2013)
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